[opencms-dev] Forgot Password Email

Jason Schatz jes at urbancode.com
Mon Dec 13 10:17:58 CET 2004

I have asked this question before, but I have never gotten a response.  
I am trying to create a simple forgot password page, where a user can 
enter their username and get an email back with their unencrypted 
password.  However, opencms encrypts the passwords such that I can't 
just read it out of the database and send it back to the user. 
I was just wondering if anyone had dealt with this problem and had a 
workaround.  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Jason E. Schatz                 2044 Euclid Ave., Suite 600
Developer                       Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Urbancode, Inc.
email:  jes at urbancode.com       voice:  216-858-9000
web:    www.urbancode.com       fax:    216-858-9602

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