[opencms-dev] static export and several sites

Alexander Semibratov alex7 at magan7.ru
Tue Dec 21 21:11:23 CET 2004

I have several questions about static export

1. Why link to exported file contain /sites/syte1/ ?
How can point to exported file from dynamic JSP

2. I can't config apache to serve several Virtual Hosts
with VirtualHost directive.
How can i do it?

I want:

<virtualHost *>
servername site1
documentroot /www/opencms/export/sites/site1

<virtualHost *>
servername site2
documentroot /www/opencms/export/sites/site2

but links in pages point to /sites/site1 (/sites/site2)

If i set property ExportName to /, opencms export files to
folder "/export"

Now I have to point both VirtualHost to one dir /www/opencms/export
and point to static file as "/sites/site1/exported1.gif"

Alexander Semibratov
alex7 at magan7.ru

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