AW: AW: AW: AW: [opencms-dev] OpenCMS6 backward module compatibility

Thomas Maerz thomasmaerz at
Wed Dec 29 23:52:03 CET 2004

"Ulrich Rueth" <lists at> writes:

> In OpenCms 6 (opposed to OpenCms 4! not 5), xmltemplates were used to create

Still someone out there who had the guts starting with version 4.x.

> However, if you are a professional and have to migrate existing, live web
> sites into OpenCms 6, you should severely consider to stick to OpenCms 5 as
> long as there is no stable, released version of OpenCms 6 including proper
> documentation.

I'd recommend to new OpenCsm users:

    - build a website with OpenCms 5 using the documentation
    - try to upgrade your templates to OpenCms 6
      - everything should be analogue to OpenCms 5
      - see the OpenCms 6 example and take a look
        what you can done better compared to 5

> Especially the proper documentation is a MUST, but I can
> understand that there is none with an Alpha version (although desireable).
> Even with my small private site this takes me quite a while (I assume about
> 10 person days for ~30 web pages, as I also want to use the new xml content
> mechanism and throw away my old, self written one for OpenCms 5).

Upgrading is boring.

Especially if you get some encoding problems, up- and lowercas XML
proplems, static export problems ..., but you will benefit form much
more feature, nicer gui, faster export, nice galleries...

BTW the import from 5 to 6 is better by day.
Maybe even the permissions problem will be resolved.

> Secondly, if you are a professional, I would use the time until a stable
> OpenCms 6 version is released to learn more about Java, JSPs and tag
> libraries. There are lots of good books on this on the market. This makes it
> much much easier to use OpenCms.

Use it now "if you are a professional"!


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