[opencms-dev] Install version compatibility JDK 1.4.2_05 TC 5.0.19

P.Hill & E.Goodall goodhill at xmission.com
Fri Feb 18 00:04:34 CET 2005

P.Hill & E.Goodall wrote:
> I'm just starting with OpenCMS. 
> JDK version:    1.4.2_05
> Servlet engine:    Apache Tomcat/5.0.19
   OpenCMS 5.0.1

Using a separate installation of MySQL 3.23 everything worked fine.
Is it the DB version? Maybe.  But the MYSQL 4.0.18 version I was running
was an existing version.  After clicking through the wizard, nothing
got installed.  One guess is that my configuration of that server was 
not what OpenCMS expected.  For example, was the root user exactly as 
expect or had it been "locked down" in an unusual way?  Or 
alternatively, did I try some variation in the wizard that has a bug?

Sure, I know, the choices in the wizard are limited.

I think I might try another separate install of MySQL 4.x to see if
it isn't the version, but something within my setup. After all
José Hernández reported that he had gotten OpenCMS to run on the
same configuration.

If I get time I'll report back.

Also, to answer my other question: The tables are full of all kinds of 
stuff after correctly completing the install wizard.


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