[opencms-dev] email question

Robert Petermeier robert2.0 at gmx.de
Tue Mar 15 18:46:09 CET 2005

Alexis Torreno schrieb:
> I want to be able to catch an exception when using CmsSimpleMail, if the
> email cannot be sent.
> Has anyone done this?


> I tried using EmailException, from org.apache.commons.mail, but I get a
> syntax error when trying to run my JSP.

But you don't wanna tell which error that is or post some code?

> I'm new to exceptions, and try/catch, any help is appreciated.

Well, using commons email is pretty straightforward, so I suggest you read

The only "pitfall" I can think of with commons email is that the
addTo(), addCc() and addBcc() methods take String objects as arguments
while the setTo(), setCc() and setBcc() methods take as argument a
Collection of not Strings but InternetAddress objects. And you need to
specify the email server in IIRC opencms-system.xml.


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