[opencms-dev] Create a new module with admin view (backoffice) in OpenCMS 6

John Punshon john.punshon at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 15:42:20 CET 2005


You have to install the latest OpenCms 6b1 to get the updated
documentation for OpenCms 6.

Then you will find a documentation page called "Creating a New
Module".  Scroll down to the text that reads "Administration Point and
View are deprecated".  This text actually contains two anchor tags
with links to the documentation for creating and adminisration view in
OpenCms 6.


On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 23:46:38 +0100, Dimitri Frederickx
<dimitri.frederickx at groept.be> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> For an academic institute in Belgium I have to give an introduction course to OpenCMS. They want to create a knowledge center for an non profit organization. But I'm rather new to OpenCMS.
> In the internet I found information of how to create a content definition with a backoffice part, but these examples were all for OpenCMS 5. But how can i do this in OpenCMS 6???
> I want to use my own tables to store some information in, and in the admin-view i want to add, delete, edit... the data in that table. On the website the information must be displayed. So I have to create a content definition but the classes A_CmsContentDefinition and so on are depricated from version 6, so I don't want to use them.
> Let's say I want to set up a guestbook, store the data in my table, and in the admin-view i must be able to delete some records of the guestbook. How do i do that in OpenCMS 6? Can someone help me? Can someone provide me a link or a tutorial with relevant information? Or if someone has already developed a module that accesses it's own tables, can he share his information with me?
> I need that information rather quickly, because i have to give the introduction course on the 19th of march.
> Many thanks in advance to all of you who want te help me,
> Dimitri
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