[opencms-dev] ver. 5 -- How to check the external link

Xavier Ottolini xavier.ottolini at adelis.com
Mon Mar 21 12:09:56 CET 2005

1) Create a Scheduled task.
(example :  execute every day à 5 AM.

0 5 * * * Admin Administrators com.opencms.file.CmsLinkCheck  owneremail

Reference information :

The parameters are the following :
owneremail : the report is sent to the owner of the page.
email:  the report is sent to the e-mail address spécified in the 
registry.xml file.
a pathname to the server : a HTML page is recorded on the server.

2) Copy in the virtual file system the e-mail template :

For instance, call it  :

3) Edit the new e-mail template data written into square brackets.

4) Open the registry.xml of your OpenCms instance. On a Tomcat server, 
it is located in the folder :

Edit the following tags :

    <!-- In every cases, modify the lines below -->
        <defaultmailsender>admin at yourhost.net</defaultmailsender>
    <!-- If you choose the parameter email, modify the lines below -->
            <mailfrom>admin at yourhost.net</mailfrom>
            <mailto>webmaster at yourhost.net</mailto>

Save your registry.xml.

5) Check the owner e-mail address of your web site pages.

6) Restart Your application Server.

7) Actually, the Check external links is just a monitor to see the log 
of the scheduled task. The result of the analysis is displayed in the 
"Check External Links" module.

Xavier Ottolini
Développeur multimédia

37, rue d'Engwiller
67350 La Walck
Téléphone : +33 (0) 3 88 72 29 10
Télécopie : +33 (0) 3 88 72 29 19

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