[opencms-dev] Missing element that calls a customized EventListener

Martin Lehnert martin.lehnert at hannecke-its.de
Wed Mar 23 16:38:54 CET 2005

I want to create a customized EventListener that implements the
interface I_CmsEventListener. I understand that my own Listener has to
register itself with the method addCmsEventListener to get events from
Since I want my own Listener to act whenever a resource in OpenCms has
been modified, the Listener has to be registered with the system as soon
as the workplace is loaded. My problem is: who is initializing this
customized EventListener? Who is calling my class, so that it can
register itself? I searched the xml-files in the config-directory but
found nothing.

I also stumbled over a class of the TemplateOne-module
(CmsTemplateParts) which is implementing the Listener-interface and is
used by other classes of the module, but when does the system call one
of those classes so that the Listener can register itself?

I would appreciate every hint to the right direction...

Thanks in advance,
Martin Lehnert

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