[opencms-dev] Missing element that calls a customized EventListener

Thomas Maerz thomasmaerz at gmx.de
Wed Mar 23 17:12:47 CET 2005

"Martin Lehnert" <martin.lehnert at hannecke-its.de> writes:

> I also stumbled over a class of the TemplateOne-module
> (CmsTemplateParts) which is implementing the Listener-interface and is
> used by other classes of the module, but when does the system call one
> of those classes so that the Listener can register itself?

,----[ CmsTemplateParts.java ]
| // add an event listener
| OpenCms.addCmsEventListener(this);

Maybe register your Listener in a JSP,
that is requested for sure by a user.

I couldn't find a way to add listeners on startup, too.
At least it was possible with OpenCms 5.0.


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