[opencms-dev] Quickest way to migrate between servers?

Robert Burén robert.buren at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 08:21:28 CEST 2005

Hello all,

We have a small company site running on OpenCMS 5 on Debian Linux.

This weekend we're off for a conference. I have an idea that one
assignment for the conference is to do some work on our site, both
refactoring the layout slightly and also implement a module that we

My question: what's the quickest, easiest and safest route to copy the
complete working site (application and content) from our server onto a
laptop running Windows? We want to do this because there is no
internet connection where we're going. And of course, when we come
back I want to copy the whole lot back onto the server.

We're experienced Java / J2EE developers using both Linux and Windows,
so feel free to suggest any solution.



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