[opencms-dev] Suggestion: registry for resourcetype and launcher ids

Stephan Hartmann hartmann at metamesh.de
Mon May 2 11:41:33 CEST 2005

Alexander Kandzior schrieb:
> Stephan 
>>we probably won't need it if there would only be names and 
>>not ids. But this would affect changes down to the database 
>>schema cause there are only stored ids and not names.
> I don't think it's required to change the DB as long as the id is only by
> OpenCms internal functions.

but if collectors / filters would use names instead of ids there must be 
a mapping to ids somewhere before the sql driver collects the resources.
And then you would still get resources of different type names when they 
share the same type id.

>>What about the launcher ids? What do you think about the 
>>ability to provide a new launcher with a module?
> This would certainly be nice to have.

I would be pleased to help on implementing this.


> Best Regards,
> Alex.
> Alexander Kandzior
> Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts
> http://www.alkacon.com
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