[opencms-dev] (6b3) PostgreSQL 7.4.x compatibility

John Emmer jemmer at avega.com
Tue May 10 22:20:20 CEST 2005

> Jorge Gonzalez wrote:
> Sorry, did you install 6b3 ?
> I've tried to create user and tables, and uncheck the left combo, but it
> doesn't finish the setup process.
> Is postgre a stable db for production use with opencms, or only is mysql

Yes, I have 6b3 installed to PostgreSQL 8, and 6b2 installed to PostgreSQL

I created a database called 'opencms' and a user called 'opencms'.
I gave that user rights on that database in my pg_hba.conf.
In the setup wizard, I used the following values:
      Setup connection: PostgreSQL superuser and password
      OpenCMS connection: opencms/<password>
      Connection String: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/opencms
      Database Name: opencms
      Create Database: User:No  Tables:Yes

I then left all the modules selected and made sure to install the

What kind of error are you seeing?


John Emmer
Senior Software Engineer
200 N. Sepulveda, Suite 600   El Segundo, CA 90245
310-563-3322    jemmer at avega.com

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