[opencms-dev] CmsTask write comment

Matutek Basilico matute.listas at gmail.com
Thu May 12 16:28:58 CEST 2005

Hi again...

I want to write a Task Comment within a JSP.
How can aI do that?

I test with:
   CmsTaskService cmsTaskServ = cmso.getTaskService();

   //DueDate = Seven Days after today
   long dueDate = System.currentTimeMillis() + 7* MILISECONDS_DAY;
   CmsTask cmst = cmsTaskServ.createTask(userName,"SomeGroup", "Task
title", dueDate, 2);

   cmsTaskServ.writeTaskLog(cmst.getId(), "SOME COMMENT???");

When I execute the code above...
it creates a Task BUT the comment doesn't appears...It seems that the
writeTaskLog doesn't impact in the ocms database...



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