[opencms-dev] Errors Changing Passwords

Anatol opencms at recordcaster.de
Sun Jun 5 15:52:37 CEST 2005


I've changed the adminpassword, logged out and tried to login again. 
Suddenly I received this error:

  HTTP Status 500 - java.lang.NullPointerException


*type* Status report

*message* _java.lang.NullPointerException_

*description* _The server encountered an internal error 
(java.lang.NullPointerException) that prevented it from fulfilling this 


      Apache Tomcat/5.5.7

The same error I got, if I insert a wrong password.

For 99% I'm sure not to forgott my password (the delay between changing 
and logout/login was only a minute ;) ) or misspelled when changing it.

But 99% are not 100%, and so I tried to change the values in the MySQL 
table "cms_users" manually. I copied the encrypted password-String from 
an other user - with this user I can still login - and pasted it in the 
AdminPasswordField. Now I tried to login again, but the same error 
disapears :-(

What is wrong? How can I reset the adminpassword?

Later I logged in as a third user and in the preferencebox I want to 
change the password, but clicking on the "OK"-Button I got the error:

"Error resetting password for user testuser
 Reason: Error resetting password for user testuser
 Reason: No user found with name testuser"

Details told me:

org.opencms.file.CmsDataAccessException: Error resetting password for user testuser
	at org.opencms.file.CmsDataAccessException.createException(CmsDataAccessException.java:72)
	at org.opencms.db.CmsDbContext.throwException(CmsDbContext.java:212)
	at org.opencms.db.CmsDbContext.report(CmsDbContext.java:196)
	at org.opencms.db.CmsSecurityManager.resetPassword(CmsSecurityManager.java:4380)
	at org.opencms.file.CmsObject.setPassword(CmsObject.java:2890)
	at org.opencms.workplace.commons.CmsPreferences.actionChangePassword(CmsPreferences.java:287)
	at org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.offline.system.workplace.commons.preferences_jsp._jspService(org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.offline.system.workplace.commons.preferences_jsp:81)
	at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:99)


Any idea, what to do?


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