[opencms-dev] Question about XML-Content- Concept

Wolfgang Winzer wwinzer at ka-dus.de
Thu Jun 9 14:30:50 CEST 2005

Hi Anatol,

you are lucky, I just had the same challenge a week ago, so I should be 
able to help.

You should read the documentation for xml-content first: 
Additionaly you should read the documentation for the taglib, focussing 
on the last four tags (<cms:contentwhatever>): 

Equipped with this knowledge, I was able to create a simple jsp very 
similar to this in the templateone. Here is the snippet I used:

### the JSP

<%@ page session="false" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="cms" uri="http://www.opencms.org/taglib/cms" %>         
<cms:contentload collector="allInFolder" 
param="/sites/kuaweb/news/newsitem_${number}.xml|7|3" editable="true">
              <td valign="top" style="border:0px solid green"><img 
              <td valign="top" style="border:0px solid black; width:180px">
              <div class="title"><cms:contentshow element="Title" /></div>
              <cms:contentloop element="Teaser">
              <div class="teaser"><cms:contentshow /><span 

Forget about the html, the important parts are the <cms:contentXXX>-tags.
The <cms:contentload ...> is really a loop tag, for each newsitem found, 
it will generate another <table>
It took me SOME time to figure out, what to put in the cms:contentloads 
param attribute:

The first number (7=xmlcontent) specifies the filetype the contentloader 
uses as filter. If you don't get any newsitems it might be that this 
number doesn't match the filetype you gave your newsfiles. I looked up 
that "7" in my opencms-vfs.xml where it says:
 <type class="org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeXmlContent" 
name="xmlcontent" id="7"/>

The second number is easy, just the maximum number of newsitems to 
display. Can be even omitted.

You NEED to have a macrovalue like ${number} in the path, it is NOT 
sufficient to specify a folder with newsitems in it.

### the newsfiles

These are my newsfiles

/sites/kuaweb/news/ newsitem_0001.xml
/sites/kuaweb/news/ newsitem_0002.xml

The leading zeros are important!
They need their property (can't remember the name and my connection is 
down, look it up in the examples) set to the XSD defining their 
structure. This also enables opencms to give you a GUI-Editor for your 

Okay, gotta keep this short, because I gotta run.
Hope this gives you a start.


 Anatol wrote:

> Hi All,
> I made my first steps with xml-content files. Creating the XSD-file 
> was described in the documentation. But what are the next steps? How 
> can I define that a new Page should based on this XSD-files? And how 
> can I add an entry in the New >> Structured Content List?
> Greetings
> Anatol
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