[opencms-dev] Missing user settings for editor

Stefan Uldum Grinsted sug at interactive.as
Mon Jun 20 11:13:55 CEST 2005

Hello list-subscribers

I've been looking around in the sourcecode for the HTMLArea editor to 
figure out how to define per-user settings for it.

But the class org.opencms.workplace.editors.CmsEditorDisplayOptions only 
seem to be half implemented. It seems to be prepared for user-specific 
settings, but at the current time it loads no settings from any user 
configuration file. Instead it just always loads the configuration from 
the first file in the C_FOLDER_EDITORCONFIGURATION folder from the VFS.

My question now is, does anyone know if there are any plans to fully 
implement the user-settings for the editor in the final release of OpenCMS 
Should I perhaps submit a feature request in bugzilla?

Best Regards
Stefan Uldum Grinsted
Par No 1 Interactive a|s
sug at interactive.as
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