[opencms-dev] migrating user/group data from 5.0.1 to 6rc2

Patricio Keilty opencms at colaborativa.net
Sat Jun 25 23:09:16 CEST 2005

Thank you, Thomas! I´ve been doing some research about it......here are
my findings:

- found a "compatibility.convert.digestencoding" param defined for ocms
password handler, if you set it to "true" then when you import v5.0.1
user data, passwords will be correctly encoded in the db.
- so follow the following steps to import your v5.0.1 user data:
   - edit opencms-system.xml, find <passwordhandler/> element an set
mentioned parameter to "true"

            <param name="compatibility.convert.digestencoding">true</param>

   - restart ocms
   - import your data module

Beware! this worked for me when importing a v5.0.1 data module into
v6rc2, probably for importing newer versions data modules you should
leave "compatibility.convert.digestencoding" in its default "false" value.


Thomas Maerz wrote:

>Patricio Keilty <opencms at colaborativa.net> writes:
>>i needed to migrate user/group data from version 5.0.1 to rc2, so i 
>>tried importing a data module including user data into my fresh new 
>>installation of ocms 6 rc2. Almost all data was imported correctly, 
>>except for passwords i guess, as i couldn´t login with any of the former 
>>users. Any hint on what´s happening? Is there any recommendend approach 
>>to migrate user data ?

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