[opencms] [opencms-dev] 6.0.0 setup exception on JBoss

Kiril Sramko kiril.sramko at web.de
Sat Jul 2 16:05:38 CEST 2005

I have the same problem.
I'm new to OpenCms and not a expert in Java, and now I'm asking myself, why 
are there the two files:
      946  06-29-05 23:29   org/opencms/setup/CmsSetupBean$1.class
    29680  06-29-05 23:29   org/opencms/setup/CmsSetupBean.class
in the ./WEB-INF/lib/opencms.jar of 6.0.0
but in ./WEB-INF/lib/opencms.jar of 6.0rc2 is just the file
    27804  06-17-05 17:53   org/opencms/setup/CmsSetupBean.class
And what does this '$' mean?
Maybe someone who knows more can help me

Am Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2005 19:16 schrieb Jorge Gonzalez:
> Is your cache cleared ? (work directories of tomcat)

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