[opencms] [opencms-dev] 6.0.0 setup exception on JBoss

Thomas Maerz thomasmaerz at gmx.de
Sat Jul 2 18:57:44 CEST 2005

Kiril Sramko <kiril.sramko at web.de> writes:

> I'm new to OpenCms and not a expert in Java, and now I'm asking myself, why 
> are there the two files:
>       946  06-29-05 23:29   org/opencms/setup/CmsSetupBean$1.class
>     29680  06-29-05 23:29   org/opencms/setup/CmsSetupBean.class
> in the ./WEB-INF/lib/opencms.jar of 6.0.0
> but in ./WEB-INF/lib/opencms.jar of 6.0rc2 is just the file
>     27804  06-17-05 17:53   org/opencms/setup/CmsSetupBean.class
> And what does this '$' mean?

In your listing the first file.

,----[ http://doc.novsu.ac.ru/oreilly/java/exp/ch05_09.htm ]
| The second file is the class file for our inner class. Yes, as we
| feared, inner classes are really just compiler magic. The compiler has
| created the inner class for us as a normal, top level class and named it
| by combining the class names with a dollar sign. The dollar sign is a
| valid character in class names, but is intended for use only by
| automated tools in this way. (Please don't start naming your classes
| with dollar signs). Had our class been more deeply nested, the
| intervening inner class names would have been attached in the same way
| to generate a unique top level name.

,----[ http://doc.novsu.ac.ru/oreilly/java/exp/ch05_09.htm ]
| Inner classes may also be declared withing the body of a
| method. Returning to the Animal class, we could put Brain inside the
| performBehavior() method if we decided that the class was only useful
| inside of that method.
|     Class Animal {
|         void performBehavior() { 
|             Class Brain { 
|                 ...
|             }
|         }
|     }


,----[ org.opencms.setup.CmsSetupBean ]
|     public List sortModules(Map modules) {
|         List aux = new ArrayList(modules.values());
|         Collections.sort(aux, new Comparator() {

And in 6.0rc2 this method was not available.


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