[opencms-dev] Search Help | OpenCms 6

Kelley, Kevin kkelley at onetooneinteractive.com
Mon Aug 22 16:13:27 CEST 2005

Greetings All,


This is a general question in getting search to work.  I have copied the
following code from the alkacon-documentation module.  On my template
jsp, I put the following:


<%@ page buffer="none" import="org.opencms.main.*, org.opencms.search.*,
org.opencms.file.*, org.opencms.jsp.*, java.util.*" %>


    org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement cms = new
CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response);

    CmsSearchManager searchManager = OpenCms.getSearchManager(); 



<jsp:useBean id="search" scope="request"

    <jsp:setProperty name="search" property="*"/>

    <% search.init(cms.getCmsObject()); %>



<form method="post" action="<cms:link>/search/result.jsp</cms:link>">

<input type="hidden" name="matchesperpage" value="20">


            <nobr><input type="text" name="query" size="10"
value="<%=(cms.property("query") != null) ? cms.property("query") :
""%>">  <input type="submit" value="Search"></nobr>





On my result.jsp, I copied the code exactly from the result.jsp in the
alkacon-documentation module.  I then updated the search index page.
When I performed a search, the search result page showed up with no
results on it.  The code is below:  Is there any detailed docs on
integrating search?  Thanks!


<%@ taglib prefix="cms" uri="http://www.opencms.org/taglib/cms" %>


<%@ page buffer="none" import="org.opencms.main.*, org.opencms.search.*,
org.opencms.file.*, org.opencms.jsp.*, java.util.*" %><%   


    // Create a JSP action element

    org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement cms = new
CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response);


    // Get the search manager

    CmsSearchManager searchManager = OpenCms.getSearchManager(); 



<jsp:useBean id="search" scope="request"

    <jsp:setProperty name = "search" property="matchesPerPage"

    <jsp:setProperty name = "search" property="*"/>






<cms:include property="template" element="head" />


<h1>Search result</h1>



      int resultno = 1;

      int pageno = 0;

      if (request.getParameter("page")!=null) {       

            pageno = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("page"))-1;


      resultno = (pageno*search.getMatchesPerPage())+1;


      String fields = search.getFields();

   if (fields==null) {

      fields = request.getParameter("fields");



   List result = search.getSearchResult();

   if (result == null) {



        if (search.getLastException() != null) { 



<%= search.getLastException().toString() %> 




    } else {


        ListIterator iterator = result.listIterator();


<h3><%= search.getSearchResult().size() %> Results found for query
<<%= search.getQuery() %>> in fields <%= fields %></h3>


        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

            CmsSearchResult entry = (CmsSearchResult)iterator.next();



                        <h3><%= resultno %>. <a href="<%=
%>"><%= entry.getTitle() %></a> (<%= entry.getScore() %>%)</h3>


                        <%= entry.getKeywords() %>


                        <%= entry.getExcerpt() %>


                        <%= entry.getDescription() %>

                        <h6>Last modified</h6>

                        <%= entry.getDateLastModified() %>








      if (search.getPreviousUrl() != null) {


            <input type="button" value="<< previous"
onclick="location.href='<%= cms.link(search.getPreviousUrl())
%>&fields=<%= fields %>';">



      Map pageLinks = search.getPageLinks();

      Iterator i =  pageLinks.keySet().iterator();

      while (i.hasNext()) {

            int pageNumber = ((Integer)i.next()).intValue();

            String pageLink = cms.link((String)pageLinks.get(new

            out.print("   ");

            if (pageNumber != search.getPage()) {


                  <a href="<%= pageLink %>&fields=<%= fields %>"><%=
pageNumber %></a>


            } else {


                  <span class="currentpage"><%= pageNumber %></span>




      if (search.getNextUrl() != null) {


               <input type="button" value="next >>"
onclick="location.href='<%= cms.link(search.getNextUrl()) %>&fields=<%=
fields %>';">









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