[opencms-dev] How to avoid loosing information in <head> tags when doing an html import ?

pat sad hlp.psaad at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 22:35:26 CEST 2005

Thanks again Michael for your clear explanation.
You were correct concerning the relativelinks tag, it works without openCMS now.
As for the templates, I am using the empty template, like you
mentioned, and I noticed there are 7 other types of templates:

Alkacon documentation JSP test template
Alkacon documentation default template
Alkacon documentation howto complete template
Alkacon documentation howto editable template
Alkacon documentation howto simple template
Welcome / Release notes template

In the howto_template they explain that the stylesheet is put into the
<cms:link> tag.

<link type= "text/css" href="<cms:link>../resources/mystyle.css</cms:link>">

It also says:
Note : You can use your CSS stylesheet in the Editor by attaching a
property "template" to the JSP template. The value of the property
must be the filename (including the full path) of your stylesheet.

Now, I noticed that in the Extended HTML import, we can define an
Element such as 'body' when we choose the 'Empty template'  but for
any other template it gives me an error such as:

The element "body" is not for template

What element should I include instead ? And do you think I am on the
right track for including the css sheets in the head of my html files
? Also, what about javascript functions included in the head portion,
is there a way to keep them in the import as well ?

I have read the documentation, it helps me understand the conccept but
to actually apply it I need your help. The mailing list is, by far
MOST, the best documentation I can get for openCMS, I'm hoping that a
brave soul can answer my questions :)

Thanks again.

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