[opencms-dev] another Lucene search feature? (5.x)

Erik Lyons ELyons at cityofsalem.net
Sat Oct 8 00:57:43 CEST 2005

When there are multiple <directory> entries in the lucene part of
registry.xml, and one of them is "/" (Root), searches will return
duplicate results for both times each resource was indexed. As a result,
it appears you cannot have a search of the entire site and also
optionally restrict searches to subdirectories or subsites. Is this

Attacked from another direction, there doesn't seem to be any way to
control which indexes are read by a given query. 

There was mention of a fix for this somewhere on this list but I've
lost track of it, and it doesn't seem to have stayed in the release

Thnaks for any help, 


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