[opencms-dev] getting rid of the opencms/opencms/ prefix

Marcus Popetz marcus at roundpeg.com
Tue Oct 18 13:59:38 CEST 2005

At 03:27 AM 10/18/2005, Christoph P. Kukulies wrote:
>Could it be that I gotta to enable some proxy modules in apache?
>mod_proxy wan't enabled and enabling it didn't help either.
>There are some more proxy modules (mod_proxy_http, modproxy_ftp and some

I enabled (brute force)
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

and it fixed the exact problem you're seeing.  I wasn't sure exactly which 
one was needed.  :P

Check the apache log and see if it's complaining about the rewrite rule 
trying to use mod_proxy hwen it's not enabled.

Other than that, I'm out of answers.


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