[opencms-dev] My Cluster doesnt want to talk to it's nodes...

Nick Panienski panienski at codecentric.de
Fri Nov 4 17:57:43 CET 2005

Hi, I am currently trying to setup a clustered environment for a customer
using the OCEE Clustering Modul. (Tomcat 5.5, OCms 6.0.0, OCEE Cluster 2.2)
My cluster is already up and pretty much running, but events are not
propageted to the cluster nodes.
I must have done something wrong, because OpenCms tells me during startup:

ERROR [ocee.cluster.CmsClusterManager: 438] Missing key in response data:

So most probably my clusters *can't* speak at all ;) I just can't figure out
where this message should point me to.


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