AW: [opencms-dev] Re: VFS corrupt?

Achim Westermann a.westermann at
Thu Nov 10 16:14:32 CET 2005

Hi Gunther,

I don't know the severity. It is possible to delete the broken files manually if they are not to many.

delete from cms_offline_resources where RESOURCE_ID=<ID>;

and also all possible siblings:

delete from cms_offline_structure where RESOURCE_ID=<ID>;

hope there aren't too many. I once tortured a local installation with bad content and was successful after about 5 resources.

good luck,


DI Gunther Schmidl wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
>>That's odd. Are you always in the same project?
> Yes, I am.
>>Maybe you've a file in your third import exceeding max_allowed_packet?
> I'm not entirely sure what that is, but I'll look into it. However, if I
> publish the folders in order 1, 2, 3, I get an error in folder 2; if I
> publish 1, 3, 2, the error is still in folder 2.
>>Did you delete the files before the synch or unlock the existing
> I unlocked all the files, yes. I also unlocked the folder that the sync was
> complaining about and tried synching again; it skipped past that file then
> and later gave me the same error on another file.
> I guess it will come down to having to drop and recreate the database
> structure.
> -- Gunther

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