[opencms-dev] CmsTask write comment

Eduardo Vicente gallardo00 at yahoo.es
Mon Dec 5 15:38:15 CET 2005

Hi..., I need to create a task and I cannot send a
commentary or description, you could solve it?  

CmsJspActionElement cms = new
CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response);
CmsObject oCms = cms.getCmsObject();
String agentName, roleName, taskname, taskcomment;
long dueDate;
int projectid = 4;
int tasktype = 1;
int priority = 0;

CmsTaskService cmsTaskServ = oCms.getTaskService();
CmsTask cmst = cmsTaskServ.createTask(projectid,
agentName, roleName, taskname, taskcomment, tasktype,
dueDate, priority);
cmsTaskServ.writeTaskLog(cmst.getId(), taskcomment);

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