[opencms-dev] Reading parent folder

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Mon Feb 20 22:34:52 CET 2006

Dear Oliver,

I ran into the same problem. 
I found no way to do this. The problem is, that the site root of the current site gets added to the filename of the file which you try to read. 
The only exception are paths that start with /system/.

After looking into the code, I think the behaviour of the system has to be changed in order for this to work.
I find it very strange that it is now impossible to just access files in the root system.

>From my point of view it would be helpful (and easy to implement), if the file access routines would allow a notation like:
so that one could access any resource in the vfs directly.

Are others in need of this as well?
Maybe whoever is interested could reply to this mail if you agree with my suggestion, so that Alcacon might get an idea if this is an important change or not?

Or how is the procedure to suggest features/adjustments? Are feature changes also handled through Bugzilla?

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