[opencms-dev] How to edit text on a jsp page

Thierry Collogne tcollogne at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 21 08:01:41 CET 2006

Hi all,

I am using opencms 6.0.4. I have some jsp pages which consist of dynamic 
rendered content, but also some static text.

I now want the static text to be editable. Currently I have made an xmlpage 
which I include into the jsp with cms:include editable="true". This way it 
is possible to edit the text.

But now when I search the page with lucene, I get the xmlpage as result, not 
the jsp page.

My question is now: Is it possible to make text editable on a jsp, but 
without the include? Perhaps by adding a div tag around the text you want to 
be editable?

Or is it possible to return the jsp page in the search results instead of 
the xmlpage?

Does anyone know about this?

Thank you,


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