[opencms-dev] Lucene search an german umlauts

Jonathan Woods jonathan.woods at scintillance.com
Fri Feb 24 10:56:08 CET 2006

Corsin -
Is opencms-vfs.xml relevant here?  It has a <translations> element which
does all of that nasty Anglicisation!


From: opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org
[mailto:opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org] On Behalf Of Corsin Camichel
Sent: 24 February 2006 09:42
To: The OpenCms mailing list
Subject: [opencms-dev] Lucene search an german umlauts

Hi List

while creating the search part for a site, I came across the same problem
with the lucene search as I always have. But this time, I do not want to
create some nasty "search Creator" page that replaces German umlauts (äöü)
with their html code. I made a lot of research in this problem and I have
found is, that somehow it has to be possible. Why? The site from the
"Erzbistum Köln" (created by Alkacon last year) has exactly this
If you do a query for "köln" and click through the sites ( 1 | 2 | 3...) the
query "köln" stays as it should. In my cases, it changes to something like
"k%öln" and lucene has no more search results. 
I tried the set my search page to UTF-8,ISO-8859-1 but nothing helps.

Has anybody of you an idea how I can solve this?

Hope to hear from you soon


Corsin Camichel
cocaman at gmail.com 
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