[opencms-dev] Bug: basic file type operation depended on unnecessary modules

Joe Desbonnet jdesbonnet at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 14:02:51 CEST 2006

I've imported a project into an OpenCms installation which does not
include the TemplateOne module. Unfortunately a few of the HTML files
had TempateOne accidently set as the template.

Now when attempting to change the properties I get following error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: File
not found: /system/modules/org.opencms.frontend.templateone/dialogs/property.jsp

Any suggestions on a quick way to alter the template property without
having to install TemplateOne? Or any other fixes?

Someone else came across a similar problem a few weeks ago (it was
with a delete operation I believe).


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