[opencms-dev] Using OpenCMS with Jboss

François-Léonard Gilbert gilbertf at gmail.com
Wed May 10 18:50:42 CEST 2006

This problem is caused by the way JBoss handles WAR files on
execution.  JBoss extracts the file in a new temporary directory (ex.:
opencmstmp00590591.war) at every init.   The way the OpenCms install
routine checks where it is installed returns this temporary directory
name instead of the world-accessible ("real") directory (ex.:

A way to sidestep this issue is to deploy OpenCms as an unpacked WAR file.

What I have done is unzip the opencms.war file in the
/deploy/opencms.war/ directory in JBoss.  The opencms.war directory
can be renamed but must retain it's .war extension.  After that, you
have to grant read, write and execution rights on the directory if you
JBoss install is on Linux/Unix.

After that, all the checks on installation will be green, and you will
be good to go;  no config or file modification to be done!

François-Léonard Gilbert

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