[opencms-dev] FlexResponse: potentially problematic redirect

Michael Kraus michael.kraus at mindmatics.de
Thu May 11 15:25:59 CEST 2006

Dear all,

I have a problem with redirects in my OpenCms installation. The log file says the following:

183870493 WARN  20060511 14:59:39,631 flex.CmsFlexResponse FlexResponse: potentially problematic redirect to "/opencms/mweb/589/elements/mobile.html?p_country=de&p_lang=de&p_product=13211&p_pickedResource=/mweb/589/SPIELE/index.html" requested on resource "/system/modules/com.mindmatics.framfab/_templates/details" (element "/system/modules/com.mindmatics.framfab/elements/details")

Caused by the following code:

	CmsJspActionElement	cmsAction			= new CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response);


	if (cmsAction.getCmsObject().existsResource(currentSite + "elements/mobile.html"))
		response.sendRedirect(cmsAction.link(currentSite + "elements/mobile.html") + request.getQueryString());

Everything went fine before, but after I uploaded new versions of JSPs and Java classes to my module (and published it), that error started to appear. It happens always when the redirect should take place.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards,
	Michael Kraus

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