[opencms-dev] How to retrieve the properties of file?

Francis ffraikin at met.wallonie.be
Wed May 17 12:52:55 CEST 2006

I'm trying to retrieve the property "Title" of a file.

c:forEach items="${docIt}" var="aFile">
       <tr><td class='consul' colspan=2>
       <a class='lu' target=_blank 
value="${aFile.file.absolutePath}" />' >
       <c:out value="${aFile.file.name}" />
<!--   Test  -->
<!--   file : <c:out value="${aFile.file}" /> -->
<!--   absolutePath : <c:out value="${aFile.file.absolutePath}" /> -->
<!--   resourceName : <c:out value="${aFile.file.resourceName}" /> -->
<!--   cms:property  : <cms:property name="Title" /> -->
<!--   cms:property + file : <cms:property name="Title" file="<c:out 
value="${aFile.file.name}"/>" /> -->
<!--   cms.property : <%=cms.property("Title", 
"/system/galleries/download/Documentsqualite/mq4206r01.pdf")%> -->

<cms:property name="Title" /> OK for the page including the code
"/system/galleries/download/Documentsqualite/mq4206r01.pdf")%>  OK
<cms:property name="Title" file='<c:out 
value="${aFile.file.absolutePath}"/>' /> --> Error

Root cause:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: com.opencms.core.CmsException: 

OpenCms try to find the file in the directory of the page including the 

Is there  a solution?


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