[opencms-dev] error 500 on site root request, help!

Joe Desbonnet jdesbonnet at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 12:42:24 CEST 2006

If you are getting a 500 there is problably an error in WEB-INF/logs/opencms.log

Take a look there and see if you can find an exception + stacktrace
and post that if it does not make sense to you.

Yes, it is most unsatisfactory that OpenCms emits status code 200 for
errors.  I understand this bug (Bug #1138 in Bugzilla) is fixed in the
6.2.x releases.

I've been able to hack my 6.0.4 installation to fix that bug. I can
post the details if you want.


On 7/12/06, Jon Mayes <jon.mayes at pegasus-homes.co.uk> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have a sporadic problem which I can't track down!! Our OpenCms site works
> fine, apart from when you access the site root with no page specified, which
> results in an error 500.
> For example, I access http://site-name/index.html fine, but if I do
> http://site-name or http://site-name/ I get an OpenCms error 500 box. What's
> confusing is that the index page name (title attribute) is still shown in
> the title bar even though an error page is shown, plus if you access
> http://site-name/index.html first and THEN access http://site-name the
> problem goes away..
> Every time I try to access the site root these 3 lines appear in the apache
> access.log:
> - - [12/Jul/2006:10:52:43 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1282
> - - [12/Jul/2006:10:52:43 +0100] "GET
> /export/system/handler/template/style.css HTTP/1.1" 304 -
> - - [12/Jul/2006:10:52:43 +0100] "GET
> /export/system/handler/template/warning.png HTTP/1.1" 304 –
> It doesn't seem right to me that the page code is 200…
> My OpenCms configuration uses Sebastian Himberger's multisite setup, and we
> have the OCEE extensions installed. There are two sites running on the
> server – an intranet & an extranet. I was thinking I could add a rewrite
> rule to append /index.html to blank requests, but it didn't seem to like
> that either :/
> Here are the lines from apache httpd.conf:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> ServerAdmin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ServerName pegasus-web
> ErrorLog logs/site_error.log
> #CustomLog logs/site_custom.log
> # If the requested URI is located in the resources folder, do not forward
> the request
> SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/opencms/resources/.*$ no-jk
> # If the requested URI is static content do not forward the request
> SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/export/.*$ no-jk
> RewriteEngine on
> # If the requested URI is NOT located in the resources folder.
> # Prepend an /${WEBAPP_NAME}/opencms to everything that does not already
> starts with it
> # and force the result to be handled by the next URI-handler ([PT]) (JkMount
> in this case)
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/opencms/resources/.*$
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/export/.*
> RewriteRule !^/opencms/opencms/(.*)$ /opencms/opencms%{REQUEST_URI} [PT]
> # These are the settings for static export. If the requested resource is not
> already
> # statically exported create a new request to the opencms404 handler. This
> has to be
> # a new request, because the current would net get through mod_jk because of
> the "no-jk" var.
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/export/.*$
> RewriteCond
> "%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index_export.html" !-f
> RewriteRule .*
> /opencms/opencms/handle404?exporturi=%{REQUEST_URI}&%{QUERY_STRING}
> [P]
> # If the request starts with /${WEBAPP_NAME}/resources, delete the
> /${WEBAPP_NAME} prefix
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/opencms/resources/.*$
> RewriteRule ^/opencms/(.*)$ /$1
> DocumentRoot "D:/Tomcat/webapps/opencms/"
> JkMount /* ocms
> </VirtualHost>
> Any help greatly appreciated,
> Jon
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