[opencms-dev] error 500 on site root request, help![Scanned]

Jon Mayes jon.mayes at pegasus-homes.co.uk
Wed Jul 12 13:23:57 CEST 2006


I've tried checking all the logs but can't find anything that gives much
clue about what's happening. The only thing that looks out of place in
the opencms.log is this line, which vaguely corresponds to the frequency
and timing of the errors:

12 Jul 2006 12:08:32,051 ERROR [nd.templateone.CmsTemplateBean: 679]
Error reading microsite start folder

I DO have two microsite folders under the /sites/ folder (for each
respective website), but it doesn't make sense that all the pages under
the site root work ok and only the root doesn't. The problem is the same
for both intranet & extranet though, which would suggest the problem
could be related to this error message.. I don't see where/how the
existing configuration could be incorrect though.


-----Original Message-----
From: opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org
[mailto:opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org] On Behalf Of Joe Desbonnet
Sent: 12 July 2006 11:42
To: The OpenCms mailing list
Subject: Re: [opencms-dev] error 500 on site root request,

If you are getting a 500 there is problably an error in

Take a look there and see if you can find an exception + stacktrace
and post that if it does not make sense to you.

Yes, it is most unsatisfactory that OpenCms emits status code 200 for
errors.  I understand this bug (Bug #1138 in Bugzilla) is fixed in the
6.2.x releases.

I've been able to hack my 6.0.4 installation to fix that bug. I can
post the details if you want.


On 7/12/06, Jon Mayes <jon.mayes at pegasus-homes.co.uk> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have a sporadic problem which I can't track down!! Our OpenCms site
> fine, apart from when you access the site root with no page specified,
> results in an error 500.
> For example, I access http://site-name/index.html fine, but if I do
> http://site-name or http://site-name/ I get an OpenCms error 500 box.
> confusing is that the index page name (title attribute) is still shown
> the title bar even though an error page is shown, plus if you access
> http://site-name/index.html first and THEN access http://site-name the
> problem goes away..
> Every time I try to access the site root these 3 lines appear in the
> access.log:
> - - [12/Jul/2006:10:52:43 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1282
> - - [12/Jul/2006:10:52:43 +0100] "GET
> /export/system/handler/template/style.css HTTP/1.1" 304 -
> - - [12/Jul/2006:10:52:43 +0100] "GET
> /export/system/handler/template/warning.png HTTP/1.1" 304 -
> It doesn't seem right to me that the page code is 200...
> My OpenCms configuration uses Sebastian Himberger's multisite setup,
and we
> have the OCEE extensions installed. There are two sites running on the
> server - an intranet & an extranet. I was thinking I could add a
> rule to append /index.html to blank requests, but it didn't seem to
> that either :/
> Here are the lines from apache httpd.conf:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> ServerAdmin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ServerName pegasus-web
> ErrorLog logs/site_error.log
> #CustomLog logs/site_custom.log
> # If the requested URI is located in the resources folder, do not
> the request
> SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/opencms/resources/.*$ no-jk
> # If the requested URI is static content do not forward the request
> SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/export/.*$ no-jk
> RewriteEngine on
> # If the requested URI is NOT located in the resources folder.
> # Prepend an /${WEBAPP_NAME}/opencms to everything that does not
> starts with it
> # and force the result to be handled by the next URI-handler ([PT])
> in this case)
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/opencms/resources/.*$
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/export/.*
> RewriteRule !^/opencms/opencms/(.*)$ /opencms/opencms%{REQUEST_URI}
> # These are the settings for static export. If the requested resource
is not
> already
> # statically exported create a new request to the opencms404 handler.
> has to be
> # a new request, because the current would net get through mod_jk
because of
> the "no-jk" var.
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/export/.*$
> RewriteCond
> "%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index_export.html" !-f
> RewriteRule .*
> /opencms/opencms/handle404?exporturi=%{REQUEST_URI}&%{QUERY_STRING}
> [P]
> # If the request starts with /${WEBAPP_NAME}/resources, delete the
> /${WEBAPP_NAME} prefix
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/opencms/resources/.*$
> RewriteRule ^/opencms/(.*)$ /$1
> DocumentRoot "D:/Tomcat/webapps/opencms/"
> JkMount /* ocms
> </VirtualHost>
> Any help greatly appreciated,
> Jon
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