[opencms-dev] Am I on the right track?

Mark Phillips mark at phillipsmarketing.biz
Tue Sep 12 20:03:33 CEST 2006

I am trying to learn how to use OpenCms by building a little test site. Am I 
building the site correctly? By correctly, I mean is this the way to build a 
new site using OpenCms?

1. Create a folder /sites/test in the OpenCms worpkplace
2. Edit TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.conf to add a new connector on port 8081
3. Edit opencms-system-xml to add a new site:
	<site server="http://localhost:8081" uri="sites/test" />

I created an index.html in the /sites/test folder and I can access it from 
localhost:8081/opencms/opencms so this works. Just not sure if this is the 
way to proceed.

Now, if I want to change the head image for this test site, do I create an 
Image Gallery under /sites/test, upload the image, and then point to that 
image in the Image Uri property for /sites/test/index.html?

Basically, I think the way to create my test site based on the TempalteOne is 
to put all content in /sites/test. Is this the right approach?

Now, if I want to change some aspect of TemplateOne, what do I do? For 
example, if I want to change the css for my site, do I copy the folder 
_configure from /site/default/demopages to /site/test/_configure and change 
the "Configuration Path for the template" property to point 
to /site/test/_configure? If I want to change other aspects of TemplateOne, 
do I follow this approach? (Haven't tried this yet...)

Thanks for any pointers/advice you can provide me!

Mark Phillips
Phillips Marketing, Inc
mark at phillipsmarketing.biz
602 524-0376
480 945-9197 fax

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