[opencms-dev] include and Flexcache

Marcus Popetz marcus at roundpeg.com
Tue Sep 19 15:32:53 CEST 2006

On 9/19/06, Joe Lam <joe.lam at moni-media.net> wrote:
>  I think that is purely java <%@ include%> issue. not opencms problem.
> when a jsp being compiled to class, it looks for the <% include %> files.
> after that, further charges on included file does no effect on the jsp file.
> the jsp will only be re compiled (so include the new changes on include
> file) when the system knows it is changed. e.g. u edit it.
> the simplest method I know of is to "Touch" it . :)
> you dont need to purge the respository

I agree.  Best bet is to check out c:import in jstl or jsp:include.  Both
are non-compile time includes that can probably do the same thing for you
and will make dev work easier.

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