[opencms-dev] Ftpd module: my usage and proposed improvements

ruben malchow r_malchow at web.de
Wed Sep 20 13:10:17 CEST 2006

this netdrive thing sounds neat. however, have you verified that it 
actually contacts the server to update a directory listing? you can do 
so by setting the ftpds log level to debug (you will want to set it back 
to info or something afterwards, because debug produces a LOT of 
output). and looking at the logfile. you should see messages indicating 
an ftp login when you connect via netdrive. then, please look for 
further messages. if netdrive doesn't update its directory list, it's a 
problem with the client, and tweaking its settings may help. if it does 
update the list, then the error might be in the ftpd. if the latter is 
the case (i.e. you do see some log output when you refresh a folder - by 
pressing F5 on the folder, for example - indicating that netdrive 
actually does get a new list), please let me know.


Alessandro Magnolo schrieb:
> On 9/19/06, ruben malchow <r_malchow at web.de> wrote:
>> it's also true that saving directly to the server without having to
>> press the sync button would be nice.
> I've just found out that NetDrive from Novell can map an ftp site to a
> windows local folder.
> I tried it and it works with opencms/ftpd, even with multiple files
> open; the only problem is that when I make changes to a source file in
> the workplace I don't see them in netdrive. Maybe it just needs some
> tweaking in the copious settings available (cache problem?).
> I got netdrive here: 
> http://www.loyola.edu/5555/netdrive/installingnetdrive/
> Regards,
> Alessandro
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