[opencms-dev] two questions: commons-httpclient and CmsEvents

Ruben Malchow ruben at khm.de
Tue Oct 10 23:47:18 CEST 2006

hello list,

i got two

does anyone have any experience with replacing the commons httpclient 
jar (v 2.0.2) with a more current version (v 3.0)? i didnt check if 
there are any deprecated emthods bein used and i also didnt compare the 
api docs - i thought i might as well just ask here first. so: should i 
brace myself for some weird behaviour?

and, the second question. regarding CmsEventListener. if an 11 occurs, 
the event's data map contains a reference to the resource that has been 
modified. is there a way to find out what part (Online or Offline) the 
file is in? or should i just assume it has to be the offline part, 
because modifications to the online part are not possible?

and finally, the secuence of events for a "publish directly" is abit 
confusing, i think:

11 - EVENT_RESOURCE_MODIFIED  ... ok, understandable
5 - EVENT_CLEAR_CACHES ... ok, understandable
3 - the 6.2 apidocs state that "3" is EVENT_BEFORE_PUBLISH_PROJECT ...
	i presume it's the same in 6.0?
	maybe this actually means that only the properties have
	been modifed - but why isn't that a seperate event type?
	if i want to do something every time a resource OR its
	properties are modified, should i do it on 11 AND 15?
	so potentially, i would have to do something twice? or
	or can i safely ignore the 11 events and just listen
	for the 15?

i find the hooks a bit confusing. especially the resource modification 
events are not so easy to understand. i would appreciate it if someone 
could shed some light on the actual meaning of these event types.



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