[opencms-dev] Getting User Password without logging in

Joachim Arrasz info at arrasz.de
Thu Oct 19 16:00:42 CEST 2006


> you are right, the missing encryption or two way encryption for the
> password is not save.
> For the webuser I don't see any Problems, but all people you has direct
> sql access to the database may get all passwords...

the only really good solution is to do it like mentioned before. if a
user lost it, reset it and send a mail with a temporary PWD to the
underlying eMail Address. After that he has to reset it and do a new
one. This has to be checked of an admin of the system. And if it is a
really save system you have to develop you have to use Encryption for
eMailing. OpenCms doesn't support this directly so you have to develop
this by yourself.


Kind Regards


 * Joachim Arrasz
 * Head of technical Research
 * Synyx GmbH & Co. KG --OpenCms Solution Provider--J2ME Solutions--
 * Karlstr. 68
 * 76137 Karlsruhe
 * phone  +49(0)721 66 48 79 32
 * fax    +49(0)721 66 48 877
 * eMail  joachim.arrasz at synyx.de
 * www    http://www.synyx.de

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