[opencms-dev] XML-Content defintitions

Volkmar Emberger info at aggrajag.de
Tue Oct 24 16:14:50 CEST 2006


I think everybody knows this tutorial 
unfortunately it's deprecated.
there are NO definitions in the opencms-vfs.xml or the 
opencms-workplace.xml to get the opencms load my own structured content 
at start.
it's all now placed in the opencms-modules.xml
my question: where do I have to put in this code into the 
opencms-modules.xml? in my module? or in the module where "the other" 
structured contents are placed?

8. Add own resource type and workplace context menu
Last thing to do is to add an own resource type for you new content. Check
out the "opencms-vfs.xml" in the WEB-INF/config folder. There you should
find the node for the "article" content. Duplicate this node for your
"myarticle". You also see that it points to the location of the schema. You
also must give your type a new number. This may look like this:

<type class="org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeXmlContent">
	<param name="resource.type.id">13</param>
	<param name="resource.type.name">myarticle</param>
	<param name="schema">/sites/default/myfolder/myarticle.xsd</param>

Then add the context menu, which is done in "opencms-workplace.xml", and it
may look like this:

<explorertype name="myarticle" key="fileicon.myarticle" icon="myarticle.gif"
uri="newresource_xmlcontent.jsp?newresourcetype=myarticle" order="25"/>

Note that the "key" refers to a localization entry, so this must be located
in a workplace property file (see 7). The image "myarticle.gif" must be
located in "/system/workplace/resources/filetypes/". 

You need to restart OpenCms after these changes are made. After this, you
should be able to create a new "myarticle" type with the "new" function in
the workplace.

greedings Volkmar
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