[opencms-dev] File chooser within properties dialog?

Carl Alex Friis Nielsen cfn at kb.dk
Thu Oct 26 10:09:51 CEST 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org@KB On Behalf Of Fabian Huschka
<fabian.huschka at componio.net>

> is it possible to add a property to a VFS resource which can be filled
> in by using a file chooser instead of editing the plain text field?

Yes - any widget you can think of can be used.

> If so, can you give me directions to begin with?

You have to program your own property dialog.

Se the source for org.opencms.frontend.templateone.CmsPropertyTemplateOne
to see how it can be done.

This creates the property dialog for template one stuff, where several
different widgets are used.



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