[opencms-dev] Creating A new site

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Fri Oct 27 11:27:10 CEST 2006

Dear David

I hope that the links provided by the earlier responses are enough to
figure out your basic multisite configuration, So i just answer to some
other stuff.
> I notice that a lot of CMS sites have urls that look like
> www.somedomain.tld:8080/opencms/site rather than just
> www.somedomain.tld:8080/site which looks a bit more standard. 
You can use proxying,
- you can make the opencms servlet into a your servlet container's root
application; edit the servlet's web.xml to change the servlet mapping to
whatever you like; configure your apache's java connector so that it
will hand over to tomcat for whatever path necessiates this.

Most people seem to use proxying, I have used the 2nd approach (with
that one you have to be careful to re-edit the web.xml after an adding
an update, though!)
> In the end I will probably mod_proxy the site with Apache to let the
> user type www.somedomain.tld to get to the user site and perhaps have
> openCMS.somedomain.tld point to the OpenCMS mantenance application.
> The "official documentation" that we have found is not very clear
> about how to start a site and how to structure a CMS application. 
Well, there is some structure in the modules folder, where your
templates and views (if any), etc. would go
> I guess that we are also having trouble figuring out how the
> development process (using localhost) should be done so that a real
> site can be created which can be uploaded in some simple way to a
> production server.
> In the development process it is nice to have all of the OpenCMS stuff
> available through the GUI but in the end we need to be able to take
> something and put it on another server to run a production web site.
> I have not found any document that describes how this is best done
> with OpenCMS.
You have at least two options:
- installing a new system; configurung it; using the database
export/import tool in the DB tools of the administration view for your
content and the module export/import for your modules
- copying the complete web application folder over to your server
(including module-related configuration); adjusting the config files
there; doing a complete database dump of your development system and
importing it into a database of your production server

I have always used database dumps (with mysql there is just the
application mysqldump) and it works very well for me. It's much faster
to just export/import a dump instead of installing the production system
as a completely fresh installation and adding the content+modules later
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