[opencms-dev] a weird problem ...

ruben malchow r_malchow at web.de
Sun Nov 5 12:10:47 CET 2006

is it a trailing slash again?

i am currently getting thefollowing exception:

	( 1 / 1 ) Publishing file /default/published.txt ... !!! Error publishing file "/sites/default/published.txt".

	!!! Exception Unable to read resource with ID "5d1e5c1e-6cb6-11db-9b38-1544a99c51af".

	org.opencms.file.CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException: Unable to read resource with ID "5d1e5c1e-6cb6-11db-9b38-1544a99c51af".

        	at org.opencms.db.generic.CmsVfsDriver.readResource(CmsVfsDriver.java:1382)

	        at org.opencms.db.generic.CmsProjectDriver.publishFile(CmsProjectDriver.

now, what i do is pretty much this:

	co.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot("/sites"); // no trailing slash ?! 


	make sure it isn't locked or something, if nothing else helps, steal 

	the lock ...


	co.publishResource("/default/published.txt",true,report); // leading slash??!?

in this example, "/sites/default/published.txt" DOES exists. the actual 
values may vary, but my debugger tells me they actually are what i 
expect them to be. now i could try every possible combination of 
trailing and/or leading slashes, but what strikes me most is that the ID 
given in the exception is NOT a resource id, but the (correct!) 
structure id of the item in question. is that just another example of my 
confusion with the naming of structure and resource elements? i 
understand that the CmsResource objects actually are not only directly 
linked to the resource table in the db, but got a bit of structure mixed 
in, but shouldn't the error message read "unable to read resource with 
STRUCTURE id "foo-bar-something" or "... with RESOURCE if 
"bar-foo-something" instead? i mean, it's not entirely clear to me what 
it actually tries to retrieve ... and i don't have a strong urge to look 
at the sql logs, either ...

anyway. anyone out there with a clear understanding of this frigging 
trailing/leading slash issue? help? please?


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