[opencms-dev] OpenCms 6.2.2 and Editors

David Sánchez Hernández sanher82 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 16:39:29 CET 2006


 I have a problem with the editors in opencms 6.2.2.

 At Preferences/Editors tab there are three select to choose the editor used
by opencms for each content type. If you select the HtmlArea Editor in 'Page
with free text', (the default option in opencms 6.0.3) instead of  FCKEditor,
the editor shown editing a text area in a content should be the HtmlArea
Editor. When I edit a content wich contents an OpenCmsHtml element I don't
see the bar button, I only see the html tags and the text.

 I have followed the problem some days and I can't find a solution. I tell
you the more relevant stuff which I have tried.

 In the folder /system/workplace/editors/ there are the available editors,
each of them has a configuration file named editor_configuration.xml, you
can use it to set some properties about the editor. The file
editor_configuration.xml of each editor set the widget editor class, at the
htmlarea editor case the class is
org.opencms.editors.htmlarea.cmsHtmlAreaWidget, but this class doesn't
exist, it isn't in opencms.jar, although if you look for it in the CVS you
find it in the folder src-modules. Then, I thought I didn't install this,
then, I installed this classes at opencms, I created a module with those
classes, the editor code (workplace/editors/htmlarea) and the editor
resources. But, finally, it didn't work. The result is the same.

 I have debuged the content edition and I haven't found the problem, I have
seen  the widget type is linked with the class CmsHtmlWidget (for fckeditor
and htmlarea editor). This class goes to the fckeditor classes when the
fckeditor is selected but when the htmlarea editor is selected it use its
own methods.

 I'm desesperated with that. I'd like to know if I have forgotten something
installing the editor. Or if somebody has any idea about this problem.

 Thanks in advance,
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