[opencms-dev] OpenCms version 6.2.3 has been released

Alexander Kandzior alex at opencms.org
Thu Nov 30 16:47:04 CET 2006

Dear OpenCms users,

version 6.2.3 (stable) of OpenCms is now available for download from the
OpenCms website http://www.opencms.org. OpenCms 6.2.3 is a maintenance
release which fixes several issues reported in OpenCms 6.2.2. Compared to
version 6.2.2, some minor but useful features are added in this release as
well. Please check the release notes for further details.

New features in 6.2.3 compared to the 6.2.2 release:

* Added an option to delete locales in XML content and page editor
* MIME-types are now configured in opencms-vfs.xml instead of internal
  properties file
* Optimized "direct edit" implementation for speed (not longer based 
  on JSP includes by default)
* Added option for manual placement of "direct edit" buttons, 
  depending on the provider implementation
* Implemented a text only "direct edit" button provider that supports
  manual placement
* History list optionally shows project name and description
* Additional optional DBCP parameters for connection pooling and
  validation provided in opencms.properties
* New configuration option for initial checkbox state on new folder
  dialog in opencms-workplace.xml
* Content tool for property change allows to set property values for
  resources that have an empty old value
* Extended the Account Management: Details for permissions in group 
  list and extended list for users in group
* Extended <cms:parse>/<cms:decorate> by attribute "noAutoCloseTags" 
  for tag names that must not be auto-closed
* Added some configuration options to the HTML Widget for structured
  contents: show buttons for table or image dialog, use a CSS in the
  editor area, show the style selector for individual styles (for
  FCKeditor widget)

Resolved issues in this version:

* Fixed issue #1161: Nested contentload tags fail, sometimes silently
* Fixed issue #1171: CmsJspActionElement.img() doesn't work properly 
  in Online project
* Fixed issue #1189: CmsSelectWidget should have a method to get the
  option from it's stored value
* Fixed issue #1198: Problem in "Search Management" when deleting all
* Fixed issue #1201: Resources in export-points are not re-exported
  after publish
* Fixed issue #1203: File lock persists after closing browser window
  from content editor
* Fixed issue #1204: Deleting Web Users corrupts OpenCms installation
* Fixed issue #1212: Uploading 0-byte files fails
* Fixed issue #1217: <cms:link> with relative path on static export
  returns empty value when linking to current folder
* Fixed issue #1225: Typo in localized message bundle
* Fixed issue #1227: Insufficient access rights on workplace css 
  files if static export is disabled
* Fixed issue #1229: Synchronisation settings are lost when user 
  changes workplace preferences
* Fixed issue #1236: Target attribute for explorer context menu 
  entries does not work in all cases
* Fixed issue #1238: Form-Module produces wrong HTML-code
* Fixed issue #1239: Setup Wizard Generic Database error
* Fixed issue #1243: Workplace display messed up after multiple 
  static export
* Fixed issue #1247: Display issue for multiple select boxes and help
  texts in IE
* Fixed issue #1250: Display issue of preview button in link gallery
* Fixed issue #1252: Availability context menu entry not shown for
  pointer resources Backward compatibility
* Fixed issue #1255: OpenCms is not able to work on Windows mapped
  network drives
* Fixed issue #1265: Copy of multiple items between sites fails
* Fixed issue #1271: Validation rules aren't triggered at the right 
  time when editing structured content
* Creating a resource that would override an existing one now displays
  the 'right' error message
* Fixed issue in <cms:img> tag with static export of scaled images not
  really working
* Fixed JavaScript error in workplace search tool dialog for internet
* Fixed issue with readResourcesWithProperty and 
  getResourceInTimeRange not applying user permissions
* Workplace search tool generated invalid result links if current site
  is not root
* Modified calculation of inserted nav positions
* Fixed issue with upload applet always using the site root set in the
  user preferences
* Legacy element cache is cleared on clear cache event
* Modified handling of scrub export folder for static export on 
* While publishing projects in Project Management there is now a link
  validation before publishing
* Fixed display of date values of xml elements in history comparison
* Fixed error when searching in sites with uppercase letters in site

Further maintenance changes:

* Updated FCKeditor module to FCKeditor version 2.3.2
* Updated simapi.jar to version 0.9.4
* Updated commons-httpclient.jar to version 3.0.1
* Updated the list of supported MIME-types
* Performance improvement for log file viewer tool in the 
  Administration view
* Temporary files are now invisible for members of the groups Users 
  and Projectmanagers
* Static Export no longer creates a new session for each exported
* Refactored HTML generating methods for CmsCalendarWidget from
  CmsWorkplace into the widget class itself
* Improved I/O performance when uploading zip files / building search

For complete details about the new features and fixed issues in 6.2.3,
please check the release notes. 

To upgrade an existing OpenCms 6.0.x, 6.2.0, 6.2.1 or 6.2.2 to this new
6.2.3 release, an easy to use upgrade wizard is provided. 

Alkacon Software GmbH is the company responsible for the main development of
OpenCms. Today OpenCms is a leading open source CMS solution in widespread
use all over the world. Many businesses and organizations use OpenCms as a
cost effective, professional alternative to expensive license products. 

Alkacon Software GmbH offers its customers training, support and add-on
products for OpenCms. This gives our customers a layer of security and
convenience often required for mission critical OpenCms installations.

The team at Alkacon Software wants to thank everyone who has contributed bug
reports and feedback for this release of OpenCms.

Kind Regards,

Alexander Kandzior                                                        

Alkacon Software GmbH  - The OpenCms Experts

http://www.alkacon.com - http://www.opencms.org

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