[opencms-dev] new resource id, opencms-modules.xml

Rainer Steinegger steinegger at synyx.de
Sun Dec 3 09:28:19 CET 2006

Hi Andy,

there comes no error up when having two resources with the same id.
Imho the first occurence (or last, i am not sure) of the id in the
opencms-modules.xml will be used at the system
and so it comes lately to errors while creating or changing content.

On foreign systems the administrator should check for multiple
assignment before restarting the container.

Greetings Rainer

Andy Bicksbo schrieb:
> Hi
> I have another question.
> The list told me if i register a new structurd content in
> opencms-modules.xml, export the complete module and import this module
> the resources for this module get automatically registered,
> If i import this module( it has a new resourse with id 60) on an
> unknown opencms system, what will happen when at the new system this
> id 60 already exists. Is there a handling for this provided? or will i
> get an error at next container startup when this id already exitsts?
> Andy 
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