[opencms-dev] Towards speeding up development: sync, publish, restart ?

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Fri Jan 19 19:34:19 CET 2007

Jack Bakker schrieb:
> The sync feature has helped me speed up development considerably. But after
> I sync I need to go and publish project. If reload="false" for context, I
> then also then need to reload the context (I find reload="true" good for
> development but reload="false" better for larger module publishing because
> when reload="true" the reload starts before all is published/exported
> sometimes).
> It would be nice to have a one click 'sync, publish' and then another click
> for 'reload', all in OpenCms. 
> --
> I work with Eclipse but find opening OpenCms via the Eclipse browser to get
> messed up because the pop-up opens outside of Eclipse thus defeating the
> purpose of using an Eclipse-embedded browser. I say this incase anyone has
> created the ultimate development environment for OpenCms in Eclipse.
> ideas ? 
I copy my classes directly in the filesystem under WEB-INF/classes.
I don't use JARs and I don't upload classes into the VFS.

I have a small shell script that will copy all files from my eclipse
build path into the opencms classes-folder and that triggers a http
request to the URL-based tomcat manager to reload the opencms servlet
app. If you do it very often, you may have to restart Tomcat completely
every once in a while, but it works pretty well for me.
My script just looks like this:
    cp -vr ~/eclipse-workspace//buildpath/*
    wget -t99 --spider
If you are using windows, you can use  "xcopy /S /Y" instead of "cp -vr"
For wget there are also pre-compiled binaries windows, if you search a
bit on the net. Or if you don't want to mess with wget, you can restart
tomcat completely instead

My JSPs I code inside of opencms. Not comfortable, but direct


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