[opencms-dev] How to change the date format?

Christoph Schönfeld cschoenfeld at sylphen.com
Thu Jan 25 10:23:16 CET 2007

You could try to change the preferred locale within your browser and see 
if that has an effect. As far as I know OpenCms determines the locale 
dynamically depending on the accept-language header sent by browsers. 
See the HTTP RFC, section 14.4 
(http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4) for 
information on this header.

In the Firefox preferences, the setting can be found under "Languages" 
in the "Advanced" tab.

You might also try to set a dateStyle of "dd.MM.yyyy" or any date 
pattern you like. See the Java API for 
java.text.DateFormat/SimpleDateFormat for more information on the format.

These suggestions are just guesses, I did not try them.

Best regards,

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