[opencms-dev] (no subject)

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Fri Mar 2 10:51:55 CET 2007

edilson ferraz schrieb:
> hi everyone, i´m eddy from Angola, Africa. i have a problem
> I had defined a property PROVINCIA but when i try to get the values it
> stays null
> i´m using this code please somebody tell me something, thank in advance.
> while (i.hasNext()) {
>   org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspNavElement ne =
> (org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspNavElement)i.next();
>   provincia=ne.getProperty("PROVINCIA");
>   out.println(provincia);
>   }
- did you really set a value for this property for the pages/folders for
which you try to get the property value?
- is your property really called "PROVINCIA", or is it maybe called
something like "provincia" instead? uppercase/lowercase makes a difference!

hope that helps
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